Speak of the wolf!

Wolves had disappeared from Brittany for over 100 years… Since May 2022, several sightings of wolves in the wild have been reported in the region. Their eventual return has provoked numerous reactions.

The big bad wolf?

Would you like to find out more about this mysterious animal, its life in the wild, its history and the beliefs that surround it? Come and meet Oanel and Oregan, the two wolves who live on the estate. Our animators will be happy to answer all your questions

Domaine de Menez Meur

Duration: 45 min

Prices: 11€/adult et 7,50€/child (entrance to domaine de menez meur included)

Registration on 02 98 68 81 71 or domaine.menez.meur@pnr-armorique.fr

Domaine de Menez-Meur, Hanvec, France

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